Want to make more money from your email marketing campaigns? Get more of your emails opened! A few more percentage points reflected in your email open rates could lead to a far greater profit in your campaigns. Newbie email marketers battle to get 5-10 percent of their emails opened, while the industry average is around 25 percent. This shows you that there’s a distinct formula to getting more of your emails opened. Let’s take a peek at 5 pointers to get more of your emails opened!
5 Tips for getting more emails opened
- Write what you’d want to read – The best way to get more of your emails opened is by providing your readers what they are asking for. Wise marketers consistently ask their readers for feedback.
- Get your subject line right – Crafting a compelling, intriguing, simply must-open subject line is an art you must master. Learn to avoid spam words, and inject the kind of emotion and interest that grabs your readers by the throat.
- Be consistent in your “From” box – This is a central part of your branding, but it’s also more than that. People need to spot and trust you showing up often in their email box. Decide who you want it to be from, either you or your company, and stay with it.
- Show your personality – Don’t be reluctant to inject some of your personality into your subject lines and particularly the first line or two. (This is commonly visible in your email inbox!)
- Resend your unopens – An extremely easy way to get more opens. Make sure to send the email again to those who didn’t open the first time, but also be sure to change up the subject line a little bit. You’ll be shocked at the results.
There is a lot to do about the body of your email, but at least for now you’re getting them to open them, and that’s half the battle!