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Facebook video marketing may be the single best way to increase conversions and sales for your business. Therefore, not using it for advertising may be a big mistake!

A bold statement, however, there is plenty of evidence to back it up. People watch a huge amount of video on Facebook:

Seeing a trend? Just a few years ago, video marketing on Facebook was seen as cutting edge. Now, it’s the norm. Customers could be lost to competitors if Facebook videos are not being utilized. It’s just that simple.

Using video to appeal to your audience is important, but there are some specific qualities to a video must have to work on Facebook. Here are things a video should do in order to make a campaign successful.

How to Capture Audiences with Video Advertising on Facebook

Grab the Viewer’s Attention Quickly

A recent Nielsen survey found that as much as 70% of an advertising video’s impact can be felt in the first 10 seconds. This means there is a limited time to grab an audience’s attention.

Video ads on Facebook play automatically in the feed which means there’s a unique opportunity to grab a viewer’s attention as they scroll past.

The key is to use powerful visuals right at the beginning of the video. Something that is visually engaging, surprising, and gets the point across quickly.

One example we like comes from Purple Mattress. This video features two Sumo wrestlers on top of a Purple mattress and it’s designed to demonstrate the strength of the mattress pad.

The video brings to attention the Sumo wrestlers appear at about 9 seconds. It might have been even more effective if it started with the Sumo wrestlers and then cut to the announcer. But as it is, the colorful video with its surprising visuals captured viewers’ attention.

To make the most of Facebook marketing videos, think of a strong visual story that demonstrates the uniqueness of the featured product. Then, introduce the story at the beginning of the video, ideally within the first 5 seconds.

Allow Viewers to Watch without Sound

The next thing the video must do is work without sound. Facebook videos in the feed play automatically, but viewers must opt to use sound. Making it clear that viewers can click for sound (something that is highly advised), but the video should make its point even if a viewer doesn’t do that.

There are, of course, several ways that it can get by without sound:

  1. Create a video that’s all about visuals and doesn’t require any sound at all.
  2. Use bold titles and graphics on the screen.
  3. Include subtitles in your video.
  4. Create an animated video to tell your story.
  5. Add a “tap for sound” reminder on the screen.

Some people may be scrolling Facebook in a place where playing the sound on the video is not an option. The reason for making a video compelling without sound is to capture their attention.

Here’s an example from the website Tastemade, which features recipes, cooking advice, travel videos, and more. They created their Tiny Kitchen series to capture attention on Facebook – and they did it without any sound.

One video they created shows a human chef preparing food in a tiny kitchen. The only sound is incidental. With the hands there for scale, it grabs attention immediately and kept viewers watching all 13 minutes of the demo – showing that a Facebook video doesn’t need to be short to be compelling.

This was a Facebook Live video that grabbed more than 3.8 million view and was shared more than 17,000 times. Why? Because its surprising content and visually compelling style made people stop and pay attention.

Tell a Story

There’s plenty of evidence to show that stories are an effective form of marketing. Stories engage our brains by triggering an emotional response. An effective advertising story may be moving or humorous. It can be long or short.

One of the most effective things to do is to find ways to tell a story that supports a brand’s personality and message. It doesn’t necessarily need a lot of time to do that but does need imagination.

Here’s is another example from the company MeUndies. They claim to sell the most comfortable underwear in the world, but their story is not just about comfort. On their website, they say, “Finding underwear that makes you feel good is an easy way to boost your mood and your confidence.”

How do they get that across in a video? Check out this short video – it’s only 21 seconds long – that features a man wearing the company’s glow-in-the-dark Star Wars briefs to act out his fantasy of being Darth Vader:

This video gets is message across quickly. It uses a pop culture reference to one of the most successful film franchises of all time with a dash of humor as the man in the video realizes that his towel looks like Darth Vader’s helmet.

MeUndie’s Facebook video campaigns ultimately reached more than 1.4 million viewers and garnered them a 97% increase in incremental purchases.

Capturing an audience on Facebook might not be easy…

It may not be easy, but it is achievable if these three key tips are followed. Compelling visuals and an interesting story will ensure that people can appreciate a video even if they choose not to turn on the sound. Since most people will see an ad as they scroll down their feed, grabbing their attention in the first five seconds is a must.

Considering that Facebook ads get a whopping 9.21% conversion rate across all industries, it’s time to begin creating video campaigns on Facebook. Customers are waiting on Facebook – and the right kind of marketing video can help find them.