Business is becoming ever more local. It’s a fact. You know it yourself since you rarely head out of your house anymore not armed with your smartphone, ready and able to find whatever your pleasure while you’re on the go. Without a doubt, since consumers are able to locate whatever they are seeking promptly, it only makes perfect business sense to make sure your business is in the position to profit from location based marketing also.
5 Tips to help you profit with Location Based Marketing
- Make sure to complete your listings – According to Yext, companies are losing at least $10.3 billion dollars a year by not having their profile information available and updated. If they cannot find you, you don’t exist, and it’s on to your competitor. Take the time to get your business listed properly on sites like Google Local, Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook, MapQuest and any others you are using.
- Reward reviews! – Rewarding reviews is a simple and cost-effective strategy to create terrific social proof, and make your present customers happy as well! You don’t need to give away the store, and many regular customers are very happy to do this for free (but give them something anyway)!
- Give perks to your customers – Along the same lines, making sure you make it worth their while for your customers to return again and again is a practice you should employ. This can be a coupon, loyalty program, referral spiffs and more.
- Employ coupons and daily deals – Entrepreneur tells us that there are two ways that we can engage through location based marketing. One is by pushing ads out to them, and the other is by enabling your business to be in a position to be discovered. Both are vital elements of a winning campaign.
- Be responsive to your customers – Nothing speaks care like you talking back to customers or prospects who are asking questions. This shows you give a darn, and this also translates into extremely positive word of mouth! (or mouse) On the other hand, if you fail to do this and leave people unanswered, you’ll soon feel their fury!
Location-based marketing is a marvelous way to develop your presence in your local market. Start using it today!