by Eddie Hill | Nov 1, 2021 | Facebook, Instagram, Online Marketing, Social Media, Video Marketing
Artificial intelligence has come leaps and bounds from a far-away pipe dream to a staple in millions of small-to-medium businesses across the globe, with large-scale international companies not going a day without it. As small business owners, AI may still seem like...
by prosperousim | Jul 5, 2021 | Business Marketing, Online Marketing, Online Reputation, Phone App, Website
AI is no longer relegated to science fiction. Businesses worldwide are discovering new ways to use AI to increase engagement and enhance the customer experience. Over the next five years, 85 percent of consumer relationships with companies will be handled without the...
by Eddie Hill | Jun 30, 2021 | Infographics
Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has become even more advanced than before. You may think that AI technology should only be used for big companies, but modern AI is more affordable than you may think. If AI is used and optimized correctly, it might assist you in...