by Eddie Hill | Apr 18, 2022 | Business Marketing, Digital Marketing, Infographics, Online Marketing
In this digital age, getting access to the best online marketing tools has never been easier. With just a credit card and a few clicks, you can get access to remarkable digital marketing tools that will help you level up your small business’s online presence and...
by Eddie Hill | Apr 7, 2022 | Business Marketing, Digital Marketing, Infographics, Online Marketing
A call-to-action (CTA) is a marketing term used to describe an instruction to the viewer of an advertisement or web page to take a specific action, such as “call now,” “click here,” or “download now.” A CTA is important because it...
by Eddie Hill | Mar 14, 2022 | Business Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Infographics
It’s easy to daydream about a world where every subscriber is a paying client and everyone adores you and your business for eternity. It’s also easy to feel like unsubscribers are a necessary evil, so we’ve created an infographic to show 6 steps you...
by Eddie Hill | Mar 8, 2022 | Digital Marketing, Facebook, Infographics
The issue is that while Facebook ads are effective, a lot of local business owners don’t know which objectives to choose for their ads. With that in mind, here’s our rundown of Facebook ad objectives to help you understand which objective makes the most...
by Eddie Hill | Mar 7, 2022 | Digital Marketing, Infographics, Website
You must maximize your conversion rate in order to get the most out of your marketing efforts in this competitive post-pandemic era. Here are some marketing tools that will help you convert traffic into revenue! We hope you find these tools helpful in your current...